Wednesday, June 6, 2018

SPI 321: Earn More Media Exposure (At Any Level) with Christina Nicholson

There is one aspect of running a business that doesn’t get talked about nearly enough, and that’s public relations (PR) and mainstream media. It’s also something that I don’t teach, and that’s because, hey, I don’t know it. But I have someone on the show today who is a media and PR wizard—Christina Nicholson, from, and she’s about to deliver a masterclass in business PR.

I think it’s safe to say that most of us want more media exposure, we just have no idea how to go about getting it. Well, Christina’s about to give us the rundown, which is good because the media and PR world changes super fast. Christina was on the show just two years ago, and she’s already back because she has so much new information to share.

Whether you’re just starting out or you have a reputable brand that you know could benefit from better exposure, you owe it to yourself to get out there and start driving traffic to your website through media and PR. As Christina says in the episode, don’t be afraid to promote yourself and put yourself out there. The worst that can happen is people say no.

I’m so thrilled to have Christina back on the show today, so don’t miss out—put that phone in your pocket and let’s get started!

If you want to get a taste of what Christina’s mentorship program is like, you can get exclusive access to the first couple modules at Christina is a member of my Accelerator Program and a student of mine. I’m not an affiliate or an official partner of Media Maven, but I certainly encourage you to check that out—it’s awesome. Thanks so much for this special inside look, Christina!

I know a lot of you are starting out in your email marketing journey, and to help you do that I highly recommend ConvertKit. They have the most amazing customer service—if you’re just starting out, or even if you’re migrating from another internet service provider, they’ll get you set up super quickly. Plus the platform itself is super intuitive: You’ll be up and running in no time. They also do a ton in terms of educating their customers with the latest trends in email marketing and more, because they want to see you do well. You can get a free, 45-day free trial by going to Check it out! [Full Disclosure: I’m a compensated advisor and an affiliate for ConvertKit.]

Thanks for Listening!

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Special thanks to Christina Nicholson for joining me this week. Until next time!

You'll Learn

  • How to utilize mainstream media and PR if you're just starting out.
  • The difference between your own, earned, and paid media, and when to use which.
  • What you should know about journalists and reporters in terms of your PR.
  • Strategies for finding the best media channels and reaching your ideal customers.
  • How personal branding factors into the 2018 media/PR field.
  • How to effectively pitch to and network with media/PR contacts.
  • What you should do beyond simply sharing your exposure to maximize its effectiveness.
  • How your online presence can make or break your PR reach.
  • Strategies and tips for using HARO (Help a Reporter Out) for media and PR exposure.
  • How to seize the opportunity and make the most of viral exposure.
  • Why becoming a member of the media can boost your credibility, and more!


from The Smart Passive Income Blog

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